Travel price comparison site has enhanced its flight page...

Travel price comparison site has enhanced its flight page...

Published: 19 Oct 2006

Travel price comparison site has enhanced its flight page...

Travel price comparison site has enhanced its flight page, allowing travellers to not only compare prices during booking of flights, but also verify additional charges, the number of stopovers and flight times.

The new features will help the customer evaluate the best deals to suit their individual needs, not just their budgets. has added information on whether the flight is direct or the number of stopovers that is involved in each flight option - essential information for those looking to travel long-haul. Also included is detail on any additional charges for taking golf clubs, skis and surfboards. All this information is available by simply clicking on ‘flight details’ next to the results the customer finds most attractive after making the initial price search, according to the company.

Customers will also find additional information on flight times and can now view what other time combinations are possible at each price. The flexibility of the ticket, luggage allowances for the flight and meal details can also be found in the flight details section.

The travel price comparison site compares costs of flights, care hire and hotels, plus dynamic packaging by comparing over 140 travel websites, always ensuring the best deal is offered to the consumer.

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