Kayak.com makes tracking process easier

Kayak.com has enhanced its Fare Alerts to make the "tracking process easier for both the flexible traveler and travelers with a specific itinerary in mind."

Published: 13 Feb 2008

Kayak.com has enhanced its Fare Alerts to make the "tracking process easier for both the flexible traveler and travelers with a specific itinerary in mind."

Users of Kayak.com and SideStep.com can now track fares for a specific date or monitor the best prices for a timeframe such as an upcoming weekend or a given month. According to a release, travelers interested in a region of the world but have flexibility on the specific city can track the best prices for a region such as the Caribbean or Europe.

Drew Patterson, Kayak.com's VP - Marketing said Kayak.com is the only site that allows the traveler to track fares to all destinations around the globe, for any date in the future, with flexible or specific dates, for an unlimited trip length, accompanied by price changes.

"No other travel site offers this many options available for tracking, without any limitations," said Patterson.

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